17.3 MyID Operator Client error messages
When an error occurs, the MyID Operator Client displays a message similar to the following:
The error number is a unique reference to the issue that you can use to look up the causes and potential solutions for the problem; see the MyID Operator Client error codes section in the Error Code Reference guide.
The MyID Client Service may also produce errors; see the MyID Client Service error codes section in the Error Code Reference guide.
You may also encounter errors that are caused by fundamental infrastructure errors; for example, if the server cannot start. In this case, the errors produced by IIS are available in the Applications and Services Logs section of the Windows Event Viewer.
17.3.1 MyID Client Service versions
If you attempt to use an older MyID Client Service version that does not support a particular feature, the MyID Operator Client stays in a "please wait" state for approximately five minutes before timing out and displaying a message similar to the following:
Unexpected error when communicating with MyID Client Service. Confirm correct version is installed, and it supports the <feature> method
where <feature> is one of the following:
Feature |
Description |
MyID Client |
Released with |
SelectCard |
Reading a card |
1.0 |
11.6 |
CaptureFingerprints |
Fingerprint capture |
1.1 |
11.7 |
CaptureFacialBioWithMic |
Biometric facial capture |
1.1 |
11.7 |
ScanDocument |
Document scanning |
1.2 |
11.8 |
ModifyImage |
Image Editor |
1.3 |
12.0 |
StartWithToken |
Launch MyID Desktop workflows |
1.4 |
12.1 |
Note: The StartWithToken error appears immediately, rather than after the five minute timeout period.